Saturday, November 1, 2014

Grandma's here!

My mom arrived yesterday to spend a week with us. She's been doing a great job keeping Augie entertained, and it's so fun for me to hear the two of them laughing and playing together, inventing their own games and being silly. 

Leif's sleep remains pretty damned tough - he just fights going to sleep so hard. He'll be thisclose to being asleep, eyes closed, breathing slowed and then AHA! - arms and legs flailing, eyes wide open, again and again and again. Or he'll fall asleep for five minutes and then be up again. But then when he does sleep, he gets a good chunk in - this afternoon he napped for four hours, and last night was he put together the longest consecutive stretches of sleep he's had yet. Despite that, it's utterly exhausting - so it's been nice to have a third pair of arms to pass him off to.

It was also nice to get a small resupply from the States (there was much more!):

Grandma brought books, including Dr. Seuss.

Showing off their high feet:

And a picture from our dagis drop-off the other morning:

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