Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Big smiles

We're still figuring out the new routine over here: should James take Augie to school, or should I? Who should pick him up? Who's going to make dinner, and when? Will Leif ever go to sleep? So this morning I took this guy school...

...with little Leif strapped to my chest in the Moby Wrap. After Leif and I returned home, I nursed him and played with him and then tried to get him back to sleep. And tried, and tried, and tried. In the midst of all that trying, we did this:

I'd like to tell you that this was in response to a fantastic joke I told, or he was mirroring my own giant smile, but in reality, this was a fleeting happy moment between bouts of screaming and squirming. I finally dressed him up in his bear suit and popped him in the stroller to go for a walk and do some grocery shopping; after I brought him home he slept another couple hours. Last night he slept for nine hours straight again! So the sleep situation is half fantastic, half tragic. Getting him to sleep tonight was relatively easy, so we'll see how long he goes - I have this terrible feeling that we'll be back to getting up every few hours (and I'm getting used to 5-7 hours for his first sleep!).

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