Sunday, October 12, 2014

Little feet

Some days are easier than others. Some days are harder. And it seems like whenever we have an easy day, it's followed by a hard day. Today was hard. Augie woke up in a bad mood very early (4am), and James went to bed with him while I finished a nursing session with Leif, and then I swapped in to be with Augie. It's clear that Augie misses me a bit, especially at night, so we try for me to go in with him whenever he's calling (he's been waking more now that we have a newborn in the house). I calmed Augie down (by nursing him) and we all went back to sleep, and then at 7-something James swapped in to be with Augie so I could nurse Leif again, and then we all slept until 9am. So that's not a bad wake-up time, but that's a lot of bed-swapping and baby-feeding.

On top of the exhaustion I'm feeling a little out of it, with some pain and bleeding (I've been in touch with the hospital), so I've essentially been out of commission with helping take care of Augie. James has been working very hard and visiting lots of parks the last two days.

BUT. Despite the fatigue and the pain and the constant gnawing at my breasts by these two suckling babes, we are so happy. Being around a newborn, smelling him, holding his helpless little body in my arms, is wonderful, awe-inspiring, and so, so fulfilling. And Augie gets funnier and cheekier every day, and more loving, and we're all bathed in his kisses and hugs and silly games (especially Leif!). We know how lucky we are, and how amazing these two little creatures are, and we remind ourselves and each other all the time.

I'd love to get photos like this (or the toddler equivalent) of Augie, but that one never sits still. Never. Sits. Still.


  1. These are the greatest moments of your lives--I know you cherish them. Hang in there--Uncle Rob

    1. Thanks Uncle Rob. We're having a great time and trying to cherish it all, but the nights...oh, the nights! I need daytime to recover from nighttime!
