Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Getting in the groove

All's well over here. We're settling into a comfortable groove and everyone is getting used to each other. Two nights ago we had a really rough night, with Augie wetting through his diaper around 4am and then coming into our bed and crying until I nursed him (I don't nurse him overnight anymore), which woke up Dai-Dai, and then Augie wouldn't go back to sleep...the next day was tough. But last night was much better, with Dai-Dai nursing only a couple times overnight, and Augie woke around 4 o'clock again but I took him back to his room and we slept together until 6:30 (6:30! - that feels like such a luxury these days), then enjoyed a leisurely morning together of breakfast and books while Baba slept with Dai-Dai. Preschool preparation and drop-off were much more difficult today than they have been in quite a while, though - we think it's because Augie spent so much time alone with me this morning, which he doesn't get a lot of lately, and that made it harder for him to go away in the morning.

We gave Dai-Dai (official name coming soon!) his first washing today - they don't wash at the hospital, and we've been waiting for his cord stump to fall off. Here are some pictures of him all squeaky clean at one week old (+ one day).

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