Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sick day

This afternoon, we had a home visit with a nurse from the pediatrician's office. Isn't that great? - here in Sweden, your first appointment with your pediatrician's office is held in your home, so you don't have to haul the little one out into the wild while you're still healing and getting used to each other. The nurse brought a sling and hand-held scale with her, and she wrapped Dai-Dai in the sling and lifted him up mid-air. They want babies to gain about 150 grams per week; Baby Boy has gained 280 since he was weighed last week, so we're doing just fine. (The nurse had questioned whether I thought I was making enough milk to feed both boys - ha!). He's up to 3,910 grams or so now. Next week we'll go into the office (about four blocks away) for him to be weighed and measured; we won't see the actual pediatrician, unless there's a problem, until the second or third month. Nurses do the basic exams and vaccines here.

Sadly, shortly before the nurse came around, dagis called to say that Augie had a fever and we should come pick him up. Apparently there's something going around the school. When he came home he seemed just fine to us, but when he woke up from his nap he was hot. He was still running and goofing around like normal, so we packed up and took the boys for a walk around LĂ„ngholmen. When we got outside we realized that we'd totally misjudged the weather and it was much warmer than we'd thought. Both boys were totally overdressed.

This picture makes him look deceptively large; you can't quite tell that his arms and legs are still pulled in close to his body and the arms and legs of the bear suit are empty!

We knew Augie wasn't feeling well when we got to the beach and unclipped him from the stroller: he didn't want to get out. That's the first time ever that he hasn't wanted to run around and play.

This is what happened when we got home. He was still in a good mood, talking and smiling, but he was lying on the floor:

And then while Baba was making dinner - look how red his cheeks are!:

The upside to all of this is that we got to spend some quiet time snuggling with Augie; normally he's never still, and even reading books together can be an athletic event. But today he just lay in bed with me while I read books to him, and let us massage his back and stroke his hair. Oh, my sick baby. Here's hoping the fever breaks tonight and he wakes tomorrow feeling at least a little bit better.

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