Sunday, October 5, 2014

Autumn in Stockholm

I blinked, and autumn is here. No, that's not quite right: I birthed a baby and then cocooned for a week, and when I emerged, autumn had arrived. We went on our first family walk this afternoon, to the top of LĂ„ngholmen, and admired the leaf-littered trails and colorful trees. Ah Mah left today, so now it's just the four of us. It was so helpful having her here, and I know that Augie loved getting to know her; he's been calling for her all afternoon! I imagine he will for the next few days, even though we explained that she was leaving and she said goodbye. It was great for us, too, to see the relationship building between them and to see him get attached to someone other than us. It was also great to have our tummies filled with delicious food every day! Thank you for visiting us Ah Mah!

We're having so much fun with Augie these days, who's an absolute delight and a real funnyman. I'm hoping to write more about him in the next few days, as I haven't done a proper update in ages. We're reveling in the little boy (person!) he's becoming just as we're reveling in getting to know the little guy who came to us last week (name coming soon!). As exhausted as we are, we also know how blessed we are to have these two little souls with us.

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