Friday, October 10, 2014

His name

I don't have any pictures for you today, but I do have an announcement: we named the baby! Ready?

Leif William Macrae Watson

Leif is pronounced "leaf" in English, "lafe" (rhymes with "safe") in Swedish, and several other ways in several other languages. We like both the "leaf" and "lafe" pronunciations, though we've mostly been using "leaf". When we get angry with him, we use the Icelandic version: Leifur. We've never gotten angry with him.

And FYI, August has recovered. By the time he woke up the morning after he was sent home from dagis he was much better, but we kept him home with us for another day. He went back to school today (which he did NOT appreciate). He's not eating much and he's sleeping a lot, but he's otherwise running around like normal and being his goofy self, so hopefully he'll sleep well this weekend and get completely over whatever bug got him.

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