Saturday, June 14, 2014

My sleeping, dancing Shiva

We've been watching a lot of soccer lately, which has dealt a blow to what little productivity we had around here. And I've been profoundly exhausted the past few days; I don't know whether it's the heat, the pregnancy (I'm almost in the third trimester!), or the stress of finding a place to live in Stockholm - most likely a combination of all three - but I just can't keep up with anything these days, especially Augie.

I wish we could get him to do a bit more of this, especially in the morning:

Here's the World Cup watching pose (Augie isn't entertained with 90 minutes of soccer so we have to throw him a bone every now and then):

And this is how I found him napping yesterday:

Which reminded me of this dancing Shiva:


  1. Did I see a few gray hairs??? What a sweet picture.

  2. ALL of them are precious...I just got a big kick out of Jim's hair whilst watching soccer
