Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reading, reading, reading

This afternoon, Augie brought me a book to read. We'd been listening and dancing to a Music Together CD, so I said to him, "August, I have to turn the music off before we can read." He stood up from my lap, walked to the desk, climbed onto the chair, and turned off the music (by pushing the space bar on the computer). I was amazed! We hadn't ever taught him that - he'd figured it out himself during all the times he's sat at the desk and pounded on the keyboard.

It feels like we're always a step (or two or three) behind him - that he knows more and is more capable than we realize. It's so cool to have him surprise us like that.

Here are some pictures of today's post-prandial reading session with Baba.

And a goofy morning pic with Mama:

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