Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Little boy, big rage

Augie ended up taking two naps today - he fell asleep at 8:30 this morning while nursing, and then I put him to sleep around 3 so he could make it to bedtime. I woke him up at 4 because I didn't want him to sleep too late and ruin bedtime (my sanity depends on him going to bed around 7/7:30). He was not happy. I held him while he cried and cried and cried, and then Baba tried to calm him, and then we just put him down and he stomped around the apartment, crying, shouting "NO!", and turning blotchy and red. I've never seen him in such a fit. It was sad to see him so upset, but it was also amazing to watch his little being emit so much energy.

We finally calmed him down by putting him in the shower with Baba - he loves the water now. Within a few seconds he was smiling and it wasn't long before he was laughing. He was full of energy for the rest of the evening, and now he's putting himself to sleep, kicking the walls and slowly settling down.

Augie is almost always happy and well-tempered, and his fits and tantrums are short-lived (if powerful). As his mama, it was difficult but also fascinating to watch him get so worked up for so long (10-15 minutes). But what was remarkable was how I felt after he cheered up - it was like I was seeing him again after an absence, or after a full night's sleep. I was elated to be around his smile, his laugh, his dance, his enthusiasm. I suddenly had fresh eyes and fresh energy for his beatific little presence.

On an entirely unrelated note, I just received via email some photos from the mom of the baby we met at the wedding a few weeks ago.

First meeting:

Augie trying to return a hug Sierra had given him a couple minutes earlier:

Trying to climb the tent.

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