Friday, December 5, 2014

Leif rocking tummy time

Leif and I had a great morning. Which is fantastic, because yesterday was a lot of this from everyone:

We did some tummy time when he woke up from his short morning nap and he rocked it! He rolled over, front-to-back, four times. I can't quite believe it happened, and tend to think it was just a fluke, but then I remember that he almost rolled over a couple nights ago, too. It just seems so early for that. Of course I didn't get video of it, but I did get this:

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And some photos for you:

I sometimes think he looks like David Caruso; don't you?

He had his 2-month visit with the nurse on Monday to be weighed and measured. He's 13 pounds, 11 ounces and 24.25 inches long. Big boy! He's speeding through his clothes; it feels like just as soon as I get a new size unpacked and washed and in the dresser, he's outgrown it.

We're still having some rough evenings - yesterday he wasn't asleep until after 9pm - and his overnight sleep was back down to 3-4 hours between feedings (usually 3, ugh), but then last night he did five hours, which felt great. I hear that the rough evenings thing can last until 3 or 4 months, so we still have some rough evenings ahead of us.

We're being very social this weekend, with plans to visit friends both Saturday and Sunday. Here's hoping we all survive another weekend together (which sometimes feels doubtful)...

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