Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Leif at three months

Leif made three months on Monday! I think that means he's officially out of the "newborn" phase and is an infant, though to me that happened about a month ago. Recently he's been doing a ton of vocalizing, and we have little conversations in which we coo and goo-goo back and forth. He loves to smile at us and suck his hands (he's really good at getting his thumb in his mouth - he usually tries to get both in there at once!). He can roll over front-to-back, and from his back he can roll onto his side. He's definitely becoming more awake and alert and interested in everything going on around him. He especially loves watching Augie play. (See Augie at three months here.)

His sleep changes all the time; we had two nights this week when he was up every two hours, which was sooo difficult. But then the next two nights he did 4-5 hours between wake-ups, so that felt so much better. He was either going through a growth spurt and needed to eat a bunch more (3 months is common time for growth spurts), or he was uncomfortable because he hadn't pooped in a week. Yeah, that's right - a week. It's not unusual for a breastfed baby to go days, even a week, between poops. Then he pooped three times in one day and slept much better that night!

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