Saturday, December 20, 2014


Augie's had a slight fever for a couple days, so he didn't go to school on Friday. It's actually quite nice for us when he's just a little bit sick - he's still himself, but he slows down. It gives us a chance. Leif is doing fine; he still fights going to bed at night, but it's not as bad as it was, and he sleeps anywhere from 4-6 hours for his first sleep, and then anywhere from 2-4 hours for his subsequent sleeps until morning. Not too bad.

Scattered pictures from the last few days...

Baking with Augie:

Leif chewing on his hand, which he's getting ever better at:

On morning walkabout with Baba:

Heading out this afternoon with my little bear friend:

Yesterday afternoon we stopped for glögg (mulled wine) and hot chocolate:

Getting Leif to nap this morning:

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