Monday, December 1, 2014

Augie's birthday weekend

I'm a bit sheepish to report that I don't really have good pictures from our party yesterday, or from much that we did this weekend. Leif barely napped all day yesterday, and when the party came around he was overtired and upset, so I wore him in the carrier all evening - which meant that I was a bit reserved from the action and wasn't able to move around and take pictures as I would have liked. Alas. It's also difficult as there's only enough natural light to take pictures for about 3 hours each day, and the lighting in this apartment is pretty bad (I'd guess the fixtures haven't been updated in fifty years - but that's just a guess).

But, I did get some pictures, so here they are.

Our big gift to Augie was a play kitchen. He loves it. All he wants to do now is cook and wash the dishes. He puts most of his toys in the oven and in the cupboard under the sink.

Shortly after opening his present, Augie decided his bedroom - on top of the bed - was the best place for his kitchen.

I love this (it was printed on the box):

Poring over the book our friend Julie gave him:

Cake! I made a pumpkin cake with maple cream cheese frosting - it was delicious. I'm eating a piece now as I write this post.

It took him forever to go to sleep last night after the party, and he's taking a while again tonight. One day we won't be so exhausted, right?

1 comment:

  1. I can just imagine Augie's excitement! The picture of him with arms crossed (with oven mitt!) over his chest, waiting for the food to be done is a classic. Isn't it amazing how fast the years pass--and how long some days drag on?
