Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hello, it's Leif!

With an active toddler running everywhere and keeping us constantly on the move, James and I had been thinking of Leif still as a newborn - a cute little blob of flesh that eats and poops and sleeps. Then we checked the very beginnings of this blog and saw that I started it when Augie was exactly the age Leif is now - and that at this age, Augie was smiling and cooing and grabbing things and coming into the world. We were surprised that Leif wasn't doing these things; and then - well, then we started paying attention to Leif and realized that he IS doing all these things! The next morning we realized that we have a smiling, laughing, toy-grabbing baby on our hands, and we'd been missing it. I think we both felt (feel?) more than a little guilty about this, and now we are both paying much more attention to Leif.

We are so blessed to have two beautiful, happy, healthy little boys.

Look how awake and aware he is!

Augie turned two years and Leif turned two months within a day of each other, so I wanted to get a cute shot of them with the blocks, like I used to do for Augie. I put the blocks on the bed with a gap between the "2 years" and "2 months", but Augie immediately moved all the blocks together in a line. When I thought he wasn't paying attention I tried again, and again he moved them all together. I had no idea he was so into organization!

We don't have space for a Christmas tree, so I wanted to get all crafty and make an alternative tree. It doesn't look great in this photo, but we're so pleased with how it turned out! I like to put Leif down in front of it on his playmat or in his bouncer seat, and he just stares at the lights.

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