Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 147 - Doctor's office

We went in for Augie's 5-month appointment today - a super-quick checkup and then some vaccinations. Little guy felt the first shot but didn't make a sound; he felt the second one though, cried really loud for about five seconds, and then started giggling. However, later in the afternoon when I dropped a book on his face, he did cry for a while. Sadly, I'm not joking.

Dava is the winner of the weight-guessing contest! Dava was also the only entrant, so that's not much of a surprise. She guessed 17 lbs, 4 oz -- Augie is 17 lbs, 9 oz and 27 inches long. Dava, send me your address and I'll send you a picture of a cat doing yoga.

Oh - we think he rolled front-to-back for the first time this morning! Though I'm mightily embarrassed to say that although James and I were both in the room, we both missed it - we were buried in our morning emails. Which is a stupid excuse to miss something so cool. We had just looked at him playing on his tummy, and next time I saw him (30 seconds later) he was on his back. So I suppose that means he had to have rolled front-to-back, but because neither of us saw it, we're still in disbelief. Which is also kinda stupid.

But here's what you came here to see. Augie's sitting is getting better every day. He still totters, but with Baba's help he can stay up for a while:

By the way, Paul, we have no idea what the solution to your anagram is. Can we get another clue?

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