Monday, April 29, 2013

5 months, day 2

(Nota bene: I didn't like the whole day-counting thing for the title of each post, so I'm going with age now).

I forgot to mention that Augie turned 5 months yesterday. Not that we celebrated or anything - I didn't even remember to get out the blocks and spell out "5 months" like I did for 4 months or 3 months. But still, we're coming on half a year, and that's kinda exciting.

So who is this dude at 5 months? He has two front teeth (and I have two teeth marks on my nipple as of this evening); he can almost sit unassisted; he can wiggle 360 degrees on his tummy; he's trying to crawl; he regularly rolls from back to front and has once gone from front to back; he loves to babble; he is interested in adult food (though he can't have it yet); he loves to laugh and giggle. His eyes are blue with some brown around the center; his hair has lightened to a light brown/reddish shade but is falling out; he's 17 lbs 9 oz and measures 27 inches.

Tomorrow we fly to Michigan to spend a week with the Elliotts (and Eldreds and Ramsdells and Tetzlaffs and Stratton) - don't expect anything tomorrow, but we'll be back online on Wednesday with a refreshing change of scenery. And, I hope, some new characters to introduce.

(By the way, for you grammarians, I know that I am supposed to spell out numerals - it should read "five months", not "5 months". But it's easier to read the numerals rather than the words in a paragraph, so I made the editorial decision to be wrong. Had anyone even noticed?).

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