Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 142 - Sunday in the park

Since I told you about Augie trying to crawl, he hasn't done it. However, he did have another development in the last 24 hours - his first tooth! His bottom left incisor. It's just barely through the gums - hard to see, but easy to feel when he bites down on our fingers. We can't get him to hold still long enough with his mouth open to get a photo, but I imagine it will make an appearance here soon enough.

It was a gorgeous day in New Jersey, and we enjoyed the afternoon in a park along the D&R Canal. Here's the scene:

Augie seemed to love being outdoors - see his joy in this very short clip (email subscribers click here to see the video):

He's still working on sitting, and he's getting stronger every day. He can stay upright for a second or two before toppling:

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