Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 139 - Precocious little chap

No pictures today. Sorry.

So it turns out that Augie is trying to crawl. Already. At 4.5 months. It's kinda cute, kinda funny, and utterly frightening. When he turns himself onto his tummy and his toy is just out of reach, he digs his feet into the ground and his booty goes right up in the air. He pushes and pushes, but since he can't lift his chest up he doesn't get anywhere. But you should see that little butt sticking up, and those legs working so hard.

I'll try to get a picture tomorrow, but he won't do it on command. In fact, every time I get the camera out to catch something - a particularly cheeky smile, some babbling, his foot in his mouth - he gets distracted by the camera and stops doing whatever I was trying to record.

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