Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 127 - On the move...

...well, kind of. Often when Augie finds himself on his tummy, after a few seconds of self-congratulatory drooling, he reaches for whatever toy is nearby. And if it isn't nearby, he tries to get to it. His legs start moving and his little feet try to push off the ground. He doesn't move forward so much as around in a circle - the farthest he's gotten so far is about 90 degrees. It's a sort of proto-crawl and he doesn't really get anywhere - but he's trying. And I'm frightened.

Odd thing is that Augie does most of his rolling over, and thus most of his proto-crawling, while he's naked from the waist down (we give him lots of air time). He's only been able to turn himself over once while wearing cloth diapers - I think they're just a wee bit too big and bulky for him to maneuver around in. He has no problem rolling when he's naked or in disposables.

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