Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 128 - Outtakes

Note: I've made it easier to leave comments now - you don't have to sign in (you just have to prove that you are human), so I expect to see a lot more comments in the next week. Also, we still don't know how to focus our $1200 camera. Any tips on that would be appreciated.

I just uploaded photos from the last week and saw that we have lots of questionable shots. Here are a few. Insert your own funny captions, because I'm too tired:


  1. If you get any camera insight, please send it my way! We're in the same boat. The one thing that I did learn over Easter (I asked a photographer friend of Kira's) is that while the AV setting is great for portraits, if you've got more than one person in the shot, the P setting might be better. I can't explain why, but that's what this photographer told me. That way you don't end up with one face in focus and the other out of focus.

  2. I've owned my Canon for 2 years now and still can't fully figure it out. I'm sure the manual it came with would give me some ideas, but I haven't bothered opening it.

    I'm just catching up on your blog - I can't believe how ridiculously adorable Augie is! I can't help but smile at seeing that happy little face.

  3. Holli and Dava, makes me feel better that you are still struggling - but sorry that you can't figure it out either. Holli, I've read the manual, and it hasn't helped at all.
