Saturday, December 28, 2013


Sorry about the last post (it not having any pictures); the Blogger app on my new iPad (merry Christmas to me!) doesn't work, apparently. It shows me the pictures when I preview the post, but somehow doesn't post them. Alas.

But I don't think you really care about that.

You get a real post today because it's the first time I've turned on my computer since leaving New Jersey, thus the first time we're having a look at the pictures we're taking. More tomorrow, I hope, working in backwards chronological order.

Today we took Augie on a little adventure. Our first attempt at a hike was muddy, uphill, viewless, and resulted in nothing but tears for wee Augie. So we got back in the car and continued on and found an absolutely gorgeous little walk on Exmoor (walk began approximately here) with views back over the hills and out to the sea. Augie was much happier with this one, until the end.

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