Wednesday, December 4, 2013

1 year - Augie's first 1st birthday

So far we've had two small celebrations of Augie's first birthday (with one more to come this weekend). These pictures are of the first little party, attended by Augie's parents, maternal grandparents, and maternal uncle (Ben) and cousins (Grace, Gwenn, William).

We started the celebration with Augie's birthday crown (thanks Auntie Laura!) and some gift opening:

Augie's first Tonka truck, from Uncle Ben:

Doing a little dance (?) to thank Uncle Ben:

Augie's first birthday cake - a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting made by Grace, Gwenn, and Mama (with carrot-grating help from Grandma):

Baba helped him dig in:

Coming tomorrow: Augie's second 1st birthday celebration.

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