Friday, December 6, 2013

1 year - Cousin time

We took so many pictures while we were in Michigan, and so few of them are in focus, that it's really quite difficult to pick some out for posting here. Luckily I discovered that putting pictures in black and white distracts from how out-of-focus they are, hence today's lack of color.

I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll post some portraits. I have some beautiful pictures of the girls, and some funny ones of the four kids together.

Here they are, the four grandkids (oh, and me) - William, August, Gwenn and Grace:

I can't tell you how good the girls were with August. They seemed to really enjoy playing with him and helping us take care of him. Sometimes they'd just follow him around to make sure he didn't get into trouble, handing him toys, reading to him - even helping him take a bath!:

Augie likes to put food in our mouths, like we put food in his:

Grace was a good sport about it - she really didn't want that slimy cheese, but she ate it:


We also visited the extended family of cousins - the children of my paternal cousins:

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