Monday, December 9, 2013

1 year - Augie's third 1st birthday, continued

Sunday morning we had one last birthday party for Augie here in Princeton - we wanted to celebrate with the friends who helped us all survive the first year. We had brunch and cake (spice cake with pumpkin cream cheese frosting, which in all honesty I found disappointing, but Augie loved), opened a couple presents, and all the babies played so well together. Sad that we'll be leaving this wonderful group of folks so soon, but so glad that we've been able to share the triumphs and travails of the first year with them all.

I had a hard time narrowing down which pictures to post, as you can tell.

Esther is about two months older than Augie - she was the first in our little group of friends to meet the outside world:

 Linden, about a month older than Augie, sporting (and sharing!) the birthday crown:

Rina, who lives in our apartment community. She was the youngest baby in attendance and was just meeting the other babies for the first time, but she did so well:

 One last go at the birthday song and blowing out the candle:

This is how Augie eats cake:

Linden's approach is much more civilized:

Dinesh, Deepa and baby Rina:

Getting ready to pose the babies for a picture. Rina loves this stuff:

Babies posing for a picture. I don't know why there's a soccer ball in there:

Augie's relaxing end-of-day spa treatment, assisted by Uncle Robert:


  1. what a terrific series of pictures--especially all the kids on the couch!
    in the bath picture, Augie looks just like Rob!
    The ones of Augie with his mom are beautiful.....

    1. Thanks, Gramma! We had a lot of fun with all the babies running around. We're certainly going to miss this crew...
