Monday, November 25, 2013

11 months - Sleeping beauty

Did you know that Augie will turn one on Thursday? That's just three days away! I've been getting all nostalgic lately in preparation.

Sleep around our house is still a fleeting endeavor. Augie was doing so well for both nighttime and naps until a few days ago, when it all kinda went to s*&t again. We still see a general upward trend, and hope this little lapse takes care of itself soon enough. But with travel and cousins in our very near future, I'm not holding my breath.

Even with the difficulties we've had, we've had some major achievements and improvements and we continue to stand by our decision to not use any cry-it-out techniques. We let him cry sometimes, but we certainly don't abandon him to cry until he exhausts himself. The world is going to kick him in the balls enough, he doesn't need mom and dad to start it for him.

Luckily for all of us, he's still an angel when he sleeps.

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