Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11 months - The boy in the red sweater

We went to New York this morning, which was quite an adventure on the train. Augie managed to give me a nosebleed and to charm the gruff conductor into making him a little paper man out of ticket stubs and a hole punch, which was pretty cool. Augie promptly dropped it on the floor.

It's neat, though, how traveling with a baby can bond you to other people; several other passengers talked with me about their kids and grandkids, offered to help us off the train, showed us the secret path to New Jersey Transit's Track 13 at Penn Station. One Chinese man in business attire kept making silly faces and gave us a huge smile when he got off the train. Traveling with a baby - especially a happy baby - can bring out the kid in others. Obviously, it's something I'd never seen before having a kid; now, it's like a glimpse into a secret world, a world where people take themselves a little less seriously and let a bit of the joy they hide find some light in the world.

After we got home and took a short nap, we headed to campus to walk around and take some photos. While we're still having focus issues (on so many levels), I got some great shots.

 I wish I could tell you what he was so excited about...


It seems silly, but we never take pictures of the back of his head. But it's so beautiful, and it's such a place of happiness for us (nuzzling in there with kisses and cuddles):

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