Thursday, November 7, 2013

11 months - Augie's first owie

Augie fell today while carrying a wooden toy in his teeth. His teeth jammed into the toy and somehow his gums were cut. He cried sharply at first and bled from his mouth.  As I held him he calmed down fairly quickly, but he was still a little fussy and uncomfortable after a few minutes. I called the pediatrician, who referred us to the urgent care center; I went to the urgent care center, who referred us to a dentist; I called our family dentist, who referred us to a pediatric dentist. The pediatric dentist saw us immediately.

He said that the gums were cut but had clotted just fine and that two of his teeth were a little bit loose. We're supposed to keep him from putting any toys in his mouth and give him no hard foods for 2-3 weeks, at which point we're supposed to see the dentist again to check Augie's healing. He wasn't too concerned and it sounds like Augie will make a complete recovery, assuming we can keep things out of his mouth. He bit into a soft plastic spoon at dinner and started screaming, so we're finger feeding him soft foods and purees for a while.

Luckily, he's acting totally normal and up to his old tricks, and he's nursing just fine, so we aren't too worried about him. Mama, however, is exhausted from today and needs a good night's sleep to recover...

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