Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Leif the inchworm

I realize I haven't told you anything at all about the littles in a long time. The biggest news is that Leif is crawling! He can't even sit up unsupported yet, but he can inch his way across the room in just a few seconds. He's actually been doing this for a couple weeks, but I've only now been able to get a great video of him in action. Watch!

In other news, August has started at his new school. He's only two days in, and one of us still accompanies him to school each day. Friday will be his first day alone.

While he seems to be enjoying our new place, I do think these changes are tough on him - new house, new school, new friends. He's very clingy to James right now, and bed time is rough. This is to be expected, though, so we're trying to be patient and compassionate with him.

Which reminds me to be patient and compassionate with myself, as the transition is rough for me, too. I've never had to buy so much stuff in such a short time - car, couch, bookshelves, chairs, dining table, rugs, vacuum, crib, curtains, etc. - and, and apartment! There are still about a hundred things we need to get for everything to be sorted out and organized.

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