Sunday, May 24, 2015

Leif approaching eight months

I haven't given you an update on the boys in so long. Things are slowly beginning to settle after well over a month of stress and constant activity, and I've taken the time to get the camera out again and am just beginning to have spare moments here and there.

There's so much going on with Leif right now: he's crawling everywhere on his tummy and just beginning to push onto all fours; he sprouted four new teeth (four!) in the last two days; he can sit up unassisted for as long as he'd like; he's practicing going from his tummy to a seated position. Consequently, his sleep is horrible. I know I've complained about this before, but I do feel that right now it's the worst it's ever been. Oh, and he has a cold, which doesn't help anything.

But he's also a happy little boy, quick to smile, and he seems to adore August - who adores tormenting Leif. Leif loves to eat - we try give him bits of whatever we're having. Broccoli has been a winner thus far, and roasted zucchini, and peanut butter. 


I've started taking him to öppna förskola (open preschool) this last week, and we're both enjoying socializing and getting out of the apartment. (I think it's also where he picked up the cold.) We have our first appointment with the new BVC (barnavård central, or pediatrician/nurse's office) this week, and we'll find how exactly how big he is now. 

I have lots more portraits of him to share over the next few days - stay tuned!

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