Monday, May 18, 2015

Shots around home

I have realized that we will never finish unpacking. That we will always have an entire room full of stuff that needs to go somewhere. That I will never know where the envelopes are, or the Really Important Files (yikes on that one, huh?), or the other beach chair. They are in that room, I think, somewhere. For people who have made two large moves in the last few years (California to New Jersey, New Jersey to Sweden), and who have done a lot of purging with those moves, you'd think we wouldn't have so much stuff. But we do. Perhaps the most symbolic of all are the WEIGHTS that we paid to pack and ship to Sweden. Yes, weights. What were we thinking?

Which is to say that I truly can't relax, can't get comfortable, can't feel like I have even a minute to do anything but unpack, organize, forget to pay bills, do laundry, vacuum--oh, and take care of the kids. So blogging remains far, far down the priority list.


Walking the trail that leaves west of our property:

August having a snack at dagis last week:

Walking the trail that leaves east of our property, and August's first proper piggyback ride:

The double nap:

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