Thursday, May 28, 2015

Leif can stand!

James left early this morning, before the rest of us woke up, for a short trip to Denmark. He'll be back late tomorrow night, but then he's leaving again on Sunday for a trip to Princeton. He missed a busy day around here!

I was clearing up after breakfast and looked into the living room to see this:

I was shocked - Leif has never in any way even attempted to pull himself up to standing before! And here he is, his first attempt successful! I had just enough time to snap the picture and run to him before he tumbled over (I caught his head before it bonked). I am amazed at how sudden this development was. 

Within minutes of that happening, I realized that Leif was sitting up in the middle of the floor - not where I had left him. He can now go from crawling to sitting (he's been doing sitting to crawling for about a week). It's an awkward thing, he sort of leans onto his side in a drunken sailor pose and muscles his way up, and it isn't always successful. 

Looks like we've entered a new era of parenting with this one - the can't-ever-let-him-out-of-our-sight era. Yikes.

And I just realized that August is 2.5 today! Portraits of him coming in a few days...

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