Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hartland Point and Crooklets Beach

Sorry it's been a few days since the last post. Our last couple of days in England were busy, and after the most difficult transatlantic plane trip I can imagine (until, I suppose, we have two babies), we've been spending time with family in Wisconsin. For about 36 hours, we were seven adults and 9 kids staying under one roof, with three of us battling jet lag (one of whom is battling his first bout of diarrhea). We'll be in Wisconsin until tomorrow, then Chicago until Wednesday, then Kalamazoo until the 23rd. Got that?

So I have some catching up to do with photos and posts. Our penultimate day in England saw us wander around England and dipping into Cornwall, stopping at Hartland Point to view the lighthouse, and continuing on to Crooklets Beach.

We thought August was going to enjoy the walk to the lighthouse...

But then this happened:

A little num-num cheered him up a bit, but we cut our walk short to find a new destination.

Augie was fascinated by his first encounter with the Atlantic:

I think he loved the beach as much as he hated the walk.

Without ever having seen one, he did his best seal impersonation.

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