Friday, April 25, 2014

Grandma's pond

We've landed back home and are slowly settling in. While it was nice to get back to our home and our stuff, I have to admit that it's also been a bit overwhelming - all this stuff! Clothes, toys, books, odds and ends - we've lived for four months without it all, and there's a sort of shock in coming back to it and having to deal with it. That said, it's also nice having the right cooking pan for the job and more than three shirts that fit. And we have so much more unpacking, organizing, and getting rid of to do before we even think about packing for real in a few months...

One thing that Augie really enjoyed doing while we were in Michigan was "helping" Grandma (and Grandpa) with the pond. He'd pick up a skimmer or the grabby thing (sorry, don't know technical names for backyard pond equipment) and poke around in the water. I imagine next time we visit we'll really be able to put him to work.

(I still have Chicago pictures to post! Yikes!)

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