Saturday, April 5, 2014

All in a day's work

We've settled into South Beara now, and Augie is having a fantastic time. He runs around shouting "Mama! Mama!" (and sometimes "Baba! Baba!") to all of us, indiscriminately: we are all Mama to him, we are all Baba. We've been keeping him very busy, driving the tractor, moving rocks, and pushing wheelbarrows, and he seems to love it here.

Augie in his new space-age tricycle/scooter/push-along thing:

Mud puddles!

Exploring the vineyard:

Oh, the tractor: Augie could spend hours each day on the tractor, turning the wheel and pulling all the knobs and sounding the horn. In fact, he does:

Riding in the wheelbarrow:

 Helping to empty the wheelbarrow. Such a strong, helpful boy:

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