Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 70 - Tummy time at 10 weeks

We knew we were supposed to give Augie tummy time, but we thought that meant putting him on his tummy on the floor, cheering him on, and hoping for the best. That strategy inevitably ended in a face-plant into his blanket and tears.

But then our pediatrician, at our two-month visit, taught us the proper way to do tummy time - give him a head start by propping his little elbows under him. This forces him to use his neck muscles and allows him to look around, giving him immediate reward. The first day we tried he liked it for about thirty seconds; now, more than a week into it, he's delighted to survey his kingdom from his tummy for minutes at a time.

It's not without mixed feelings that we encourage this growth and strength, as soon enough it means he'll be rolling over and then pushing himself along the floor and then, gasp, crawling! I must admit that it's awfully convenient to have a baby who, when you put him down, can't go anywhere. It's a little daunting to imagine a mobile Augie!

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