Augie's three months old today. What does that mean? It means he's transitioning out of the first phase of life, in which he spent a lot of time sorting out breathing, hearing, seeing, vocalizing, and starting to figure out who he is and what all those body parts are doing; and transitioning into the next phase, where he starts to learn stuff about the world around him, including other babies, toys, big buildings (on trips to NYC), and all manner of other things. He's becoming more opinionated (i.e. yelling more), and I swear to goodness the kid can say "I love you." (Probably because it's the one thing he hears more than anything else). When he says it, it sounds more like, "oooooooov ooooooo." But that
v in there makes all the difference.
A big developmental step (I think) in the last week is that he's learning that he can use
both hands to hold onto objects, as below. He also attempts to put everything in his mouth, though he usually just ends up bonking himself on the forehead with whatever toy-cum-weapon he's holding.
I think he's starting to look more like me; or at least, more like an Elliott. There are moments when I clearly see Uncle Ben in him, or even Grandpa Bill. But there's no doubt he has his father in him:
Cheeky chap |
This is what happens when I try to do that cutesie mom shit you see in magazines and blogs:
But you know what makes me feel like the luckiest lady in the world? These two:
Phew. After all these pics, don't be surprised if you don't hear anything from me for a day or two.
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