Sunday, April 19, 2015

Augie shots

We are slowly, slowly adjusting to European time. After the nearly sleepless flight home, we've spent hours awake each night as the kids adjust to being back here. Last night was the first night that we haven't had any major overnight wake-ups (of course Leif woke a bunch of times but quickly went back to sleep after nursing or patting). We're drained.

Which is unfortunate, because we're also trying to buy a car, pick a new preschool (more on that another day), pack our things, buy all the furniture we need for the new place, get car and home insurance, etc. Oh, and move. So I probably don't have to tell you that posting on the blog falls pretty low on the priority list right now. I'd like to promise you more regular posts, but I don't see that happening until we get settled in the new place. I'll do better, though.

But, a few recent pics. This is August after I woke him up at 9:30am on Saturday to try to get him back into a normal rhythm:

I love him in primary colors. He looks great in red.

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