Sunday, April 26, 2015

August the entertainer

We took a spontaneous train trip yesterday afternoon - August wouldn't nap, I was going crazy, so we decided to go to the nearest (commuter) train station and take the next train to the end of the line. We ended up in Södertälje and found our way to the most wonderful museum/experiment hall/play place, called Tom Tits Experiment (great name, right?). August loved it. James and I loved it. Not sure how Leif felt about it, he didn't have much to say. August's favorite part, I think, was a room with a giant marble run. You take a billiard ball and climb a (safe) ladder to the ceiling, then drop your ball into a track, and it makes its way down the track around the entire room, doing a loopty-loop on one wall and ending in a basket. August would drop his ball in and I'd carry him down the ladder and we'd run across the room together, him shouting "It's going! Oooh! The ball!" And I do mean shouting. It was so much fun to watch him having so much fun.

Sadly, I don't have any pictures of that - it was just too much fun in there to get the cameras out.

But, I do have pictures of Leif's favorite part of the day - watching August in the stroller.

He had so much fun watching August look around and point out what he was seeing and laugh back at Leif. I love watching them interact.

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