Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 92 - 3 months!

Augie's three months old today. What does that mean? It means he's transitioning out of the first phase of life, in which he spent a lot of time sorting out breathing, hearing, seeing, vocalizing, and starting to figure out who he is and what all those body parts are doing; and transitioning into the next phase, where he starts to learn stuff about the world around him, including other babies, toys, big buildings (on trips to NYC), and all manner of other things. He's becoming more opinionated (i.e. yelling more), and I swear to goodness the kid can say "I love you." (Probably because it's the one thing he hears more than anything else). When he says it, it sounds more like, "oooooooov ooooooo." But that v in there makes all the difference.
A big developmental step (I think) in the last week is that he's learning that he can use both hands to hold onto objects, as below. He also attempts to put everything in his mouth, though he usually just ends up bonking himself on the forehead with whatever toy-cum-weapon he's holding.

I think he's starting to look more like me; or at least, more like an Elliott. There are moments when I clearly see Uncle Ben in him, or even Grandpa Bill. But there's no doubt he has his father in him:

Cheeky chap

 This is what happens when I try to do that cutesie mom shit you see in magazines and blogs:

But you know what makes me feel like the luckiest lady in the world? These two:

Phew. After all these pics, don't be surprised if you don't hear anything from me for a day or two.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 91 - Learning to sit

Maybe he's not really learning to sit, but we've been working on Augie's neck strength, as well as giving him the new perspective and point of view that comes with being upright. (We're also working on learning how to focus our automatic focus camera). He seems to like this exercise more than any other.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 90 - Eating and sleeping

We took August to the pediatrician today for his 3-month round of vaccinations. Happy to say that he gained two pounds since his last visit, weighing in at just over 15 pounds! His all-milk, all-the-time diet is doing him well. See how happy he is?

At our appointment, the pediatrician asked how frequently he eats, and I said that during the day it was about every hour-and-a-half to two hours. I sensed that she was about to say that was too often (shaking her head, slightly pursed lips), but then she asked how he's sleeping. About seven hours for his first sleep, I said - to which she replied, "Let him eat every hour! He has to make up for it during the day!" Especially since his second sleep is usually 4-6 hours. Yes, he's usually sleeping 11-13 hours at night, with only one wake up for a midnight snack. Usually, of course, being the key word.

This is where this post gets personal.

I was so relieved when she said that I should be feeding him so often during the day, considering how much he sleeps at night. I spend a lot of my day with Augie latched onto my breast, and I like it. I love having these intimate moments with him, which surely nourish me as much as they do him. I love the little sounds he makes, slurping at times, calmly nursing at others. I love knowing and anticipating his breathing patterns - especially when he's about to make a poo or while he's making a pee. I feel so closely connected to him, and more and more I feel as if I know him and can read his cues, body language, and giggles and coos.

I love these moments more than anything. Those eyes. Those little hands.

But then you read books that say that you should only feed him every three hours, that he should be taking longer naps, that he should be on a set schedule, that we should be playing certain developmental games, and he shouldn't fall asleep at the breast - on and on they go, all these "shoulds" and "supposed to's", and they make me feel bad about my mothering, like I'm not doing it right. Like I'm not reading my baby's cues correctly, I'm not training him to sleep in the right ways, etc. Until I read these books and websites, I feel like I'm doing a great job: I am deeply connected to Augie and know his cues, he is a very happy boy, and we are balancing cuddling and togetherness with letting him learn to be a bit independent. After I read them, I feel that I am failing.

So when the pediatrician affirmed that a) it was great that he was sleeping so long at night; and b) he needs to eat a bunch during the day to make up, it reinforced what I already knew but had forgotten in light of all these baby experts and their one-size-fits-all advice: I know my baby. My instincts are right. We are all happy and healthy. We are doing just fine.

(I challenge you to read any baby website anywhere and not feel like you are failing as a parent in one facet of baby-rearing or another. Then read this:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 88 - Can't get enough

I want to devour the world! At one point, he had two toys and two fists in (or trying to get in) his mouth. (Yes, yes, I feed him all the time).

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 87

Today was Augie's first forward-facing adventure. We think he liked it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 85 - He found his hands

Eureka! He has found them! His hands, that is: Augie's newest discovery is his hands. He loves to hold them and rub them together in his newest feat of coordination. When he's particularly peckish, he shoves both of them in his mouth. At the same time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 84 - 12 weeks

Augie made 12 weeks today. Once again, I'm going back to day one with this post.

And today:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 82 - Boston recap

We got back from Boston late last night; to make up for not posting much over the weekend, I'm posting several photos today. The highlight of our Boston trip was seeing old friends and having Augie meet some of his many aunties and uncles. The lowlight was the experiential lesson in what makes him melt down (i.e. too much newness, not enough sleep).

Smiles with Uncle Cory
First Harvard disciplinary action

Proof that we were actually in Boston


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 80 - Friends in Boston

We're in Boston now, on our first family trip. While here we've seen a few friends, and Augie is getting to know his extended family of aunties and uncles. We've missed a couple days of posting and will probably miss tomorrow too, but hope to be back to our normal daily schedule on Monday.

Auntie Jessica and Uncle Joshua

Uncle Rupert

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 76 - Augie goes loco

Several folks told us that this particular toy was great for babies, that they just love it. I'm not sure whether to say that Augie loves it, or that he hates it and wants to punch its eyes out. Either way, he was definitely stimulated; I've never seen him so intensely focused on anything.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 75 - Let's go back to the beginning

You will never know how much your parents love you until you become a parent. He's only a few hours old in this picture but he'd already changed my life forever.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 74 - Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Welcome the Year of the Snake -

Thank you Ah Mah & Granddad and Auntie Tina & Uncle Fai for the red pockets!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 72 - He's going to hate me for this

Augie and I were engaged in a spirit conversation this morning that I wanted to share with you. I got out my voice recorder, and then this happened (turn the volume up on your speakers): And then we continued our conversation:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 70 - Tummy time at 10 weeks

We knew we were supposed to give Augie tummy time, but we thought that meant putting him on his tummy on the floor, cheering him on, and hoping for the best. That strategy inevitably ended in a face-plant into his blanket and tears.

But then our pediatrician, at our two-month visit, taught us the proper way to do tummy time - give him a head start by propping his little elbows under him. This forces him to use his neck muscles and allows him to look around, giving him immediate reward. The first day we tried he liked it for about thirty seconds; now, more than a week into it, he's delighted to survey his kingdom from his tummy for minutes at a time.

It's not without mixed feelings that we encourage this growth and strength, as soon enough it means he'll be rolling over and then pushing himself along the floor and then, gasp, crawling! I must admit that it's awfully convenient to have a baby who, when you put him down, can't go anywhere. It's a little daunting to imagine a mobile Augie!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 68 - He'll eat anything

As I was preparing dinner this evening, Augie was snacking. On his dad.

(Look closely at the picture on the right - there's a hickey on his bicep.)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013