Friday, November 1, 2013

11 months - Augie at 11 months

At last, the 11-month update. It's been a big month for Augie, who graduated from the four-limbed crawl to bipedalism. He took his first steps a few days after turning 10 months, and within a week he was taking longer walks; within two weeks he was walking like a champ. Now he walks everywhere he goes, and folks regularly comment on how steady he is. He also finally learned how to go down stairs backwards, though sometimes he misgauges how close he is to the top stair and lays down on his tummy about five feet from the stairs and then has to push himself backwards quite a way before he can actually go down.

We don't know how much he weighs or how tall he is right now (he won't be measured until his next doctor's appointment, which is a few days after he turns one), but I'd guess he's about 24 lbs and 30.5 inches. He enjoys reading and playing with his shape sorter. He likes to put things on and in other things - this week I have found toys in the recycling bin, a flyswatter in his dresser drawer, an egg shaker in the closet, and other things in other places. He's gotten into opening and closing drawers, doors, ovens (YIKES!), and anything else with a hinge. And if you close a door in his face or while he is facing you (when we go into the bathroom, or when one of us leaves the apartment), he cries for a few seconds.

While he doesn't yet seem particularly interested in using language himself, he does seem more receptive to and understanding of our language - he is more likely than before to follow a simple command ("Go kiss Baba!") and he seems to have a vague understanding of some of the sign language we use (the sign for milk, for example).

His sense of humor has really developed this month. He does things just for a laugh, and then he'll look up at us with a gigantic smile and wait for us to laugh before repeating the action. His favorite thing right now is to give James zerberts - on the nipple or his tummy, over and over again. Sometimes when he's in his carseat, he'll just do this chuckle-laugh for a while, like he's doing a stand-up (sit-down?) routine for himself.

He has started to dance, which is so cool. If I put on the CD from our fantastic music class, he starts bouncing up and down, and sometimes when we do our morning family dance, he bounces (though that really depends on the music: if James picks the song, he looks at us funny; if I pick the song, he bounces).

He's quite the affection baby, too. He regularly kisses and hugs (and tackles) other babies, and he loves to kiss us (and we love to be kissed!). The kisses are wet and slobbery and open-mouthed, and they're the loveliest kisses I've had.

There's probably so much more to tell you, but I'll stop there and get to the pictures. As usual, we had some focus issues tonight, so we may try this shoot again tomorrow.

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