Sunday, November 10, 2013

11 months - Little sleeper

Not much to report this weekend; we had a quiet, calm couple of days hanging out at home. Augie continues to not notice his mouth injury, and it looks much, much better. Since he doesn't have any toys to put in his mouth, his thumb is almost permanently there. We've noticed in the last couple of days that he's starting to pay close attention when we do certain things - anytime we're working in the kitchen, he watches intently to see what's going on. I enjoy this; in the past, Augie has always been so busy doing that he has seemed utterly uninterested in watching - but maybe now that's changing and he's becoming more observant and receptive. We'll see about that.

We had a week of really great (for Augie) sleep, but then last night it all went to hell again. Here's hoping tonight's better.

Wishing him hours and hours of this tonight:

We put him in his new winter suit to see how it fit; it's a bit big, and he's a bit clumsy in it, but it'll do:

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