Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Leif carries the crane truck

Remember how I said everything was going surprisingly well with James gone? Yeah, that was until I got sick last Thursday while driving back from Stockholm and threw up - while driving - all over the neighbors' car (we had traded cars so they could pick up the kids from dagis). Thank goodness the kids were already with the neighbors, who were available to help that night. Agneta even put Leif to sleep while I was with August!

When I took the boys to dagis the next day and told the teacher I'd been sick, she closed the gate and told me to take the boys home! I'm embarrassed to say that I just starting crying -- I couldn't imagine how I could look after two wild animals while feeling so awful. She took pity on me and let me drop them off, and I went home and rested. And the neighbors unexpectedly dropped off dinner that night (though other friends had already made us a meal, so we were well looked after!).

I have to admit that it's only gone so well because we have such wonderful friends and neighbors. Though none of them read this blog, I have to thank them for everything they've done (and are continuing to do this week -- we've already had two dinner playdates!).

Totally unrelated, here is Leif's current cuteness: carrying around the crane truck. Just because it has wheels doesn't mean he has to use them:

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