Monday, March 28, 2016

A morning in Vaxholm

On a whim this morning we decided to catch the local ferry to Vaxholm, a picturesque town just across the water from us with a fun playground. The boys enjoyed it all, and we were thrilled to have spent a day outside in the sun. We're dreaming of summer now...

Waiting in the little cabin for the ferry:

Watching for the ferry:

We "played" mini golf at Vaxholm. It mostly involved climbing everything and throwing the balls into holes.

All exhuasted after a morning of play, yet still clinging to his apple:


  1. All of these posts are incredible. The pictures of the boys on the Ferry are especially endearing with the amazing reflections--love those. Who's the photographer?!!

    1. Well, since James doesn't believe in taking pictures of me with the boys (ask him, he really doesn't), I'm always the one taking pictures unless I beg to have one of me with them. I think they boys will be sad about that when they're older.
