Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Off we go

A couple random pictures here, and then there are more to get off our phones and the nice camera after we get home...

We head back to Sweden tomorrow! A month is gone already. We've had a great time and we will miss it here. We'll miss the sun, the warmth, the sea (though we do have one of those at home, too), and our friends, the other family from our town in Sweden who winters here. I can't believe we don't have pictures with them -- we spent so much time together.

I'm looking forward to being home again, and to getting back into our routines. Leif will start at dagis next week, James and I will plug back into work, and every day will be a little bit lighter and longer. It feels so good to be excited about going home, especially after a vacation as lovely as this has been.

He's really nailed how to put on glasses:

Getting closer....

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