Wednesday, February 10, 2016

August and his creations

August loves building things. And he loves airplanes. So he's been building a lot of airplanes lately. Any kind of blocks he finds, he can make an airplane out of. It's sweet and wonderful to see him focus, to try again and again to get the right shape, to take his airplanes flying around the house. He's been watching the Pixar movie Planes a lot (I mean, a lot), and his two grandfathers and two paternal great-grandfathers were all pilots -- so the kid's got flying in his blood. (Leif, too, who stops to shout and point at every passing airplane!)

Here are some of his recent creations. Not pictured - a genius rocketship built by facing the Lego blocks sideways, and the runway made from MagnaTiles.

Note: my phone is almost completely destroyed, and James's has some weird technical glitch that makes it very difficult for me to send photos to the blog or to my email, so posts might be even rarer than normal until we can sort out the situation...If anyone has an old iPhone lying around, please let us know!

He learned to build these all by himself, with no help at all from us. In fact, he's always correcting me and telling me that I'm doing it wrong!

Two separate aircraft:

And us fooling around while Papa surfed!

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