Sunday, September 6, 2015

Leif at 11 months

Here are a couple almost-successful photos of Leif at 11 months (which happened about a week ago, on the 29th of August). The big developments of this month are, in fact, big: he's walking and talking! Leif consistently says three words in an appropriate context: "baba", "uh-oh" (usually when he drops something), and "hej hej" ("hello" in Swedish). About a week ago, he took his first major steps - seven assisted steps in the kitchen to me! He took a break from walking, and then in the last two days he's started walking more and more, a few unassisted steps here and there. He's quite confident on his feet, so I expect he'll get better quickly.

Ah mah and Auntie Tina are here visiting for a few days - will share pictures soon.

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