Thursday, September 17, 2015

Big baby Leif

The big, big news around here is that Leif is walking! A couple weeks ago he took a few steps, and he went on for a couple weeks with just a step or two here and there. And then, a few days ago, he just started walking as much as he could. Two days ago was the first day that he walked more than he crawled. I don't have a good video of it yet, I'll try tomorrow. But in the meantime...

I don't have many days of this left, do I? This cute little squiggle crawling up to my knees, then climbing up onto my legs and wrapping his arms around my neck -- soon he'll just be crashing into me, arms outstretched.

(I know they aren't in focus - he was moving too fast - but the series was too cute not to post.)

When I walked away with the camera that he'd crawled all that way to get:

Getting ready to eat!

He remains a serious eater. We have to feed him far more than we feed August! He's getting better with a fork and has the idea of a spoon, but he usually holds it upside-down.

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