Friday, July 31, 2015

August and his blocks

We've had these great Tegu blocks for a while, but August really discovered them a couple weeks ago. He loves them, and he's so creative with them. He's made airplanes, boats, helicopters, trucks, ice cream, leaf blowers, and more out of them. It's wonderful to watch his imagination burst forth and to see the creations, games, and relationships he comes up with.

With no help whatsoever from us, August made this airplane:



Photos with Leif

We finally uploaded photos from our nice camera - something we haven't done in about two months - so I have lots to share with you.


He looks much happier to be with James, doesn't he? Or is it that he's more interested in the photographer taking his picture???

Monday, July 27, 2015

A day on Dartmoor

We're back in Sweden now, but I have several days of posts for you from England. Last Saturday we went with friends to Dartmoor and did a beautiful walk. It was a gorgeous day and we were thrilled to be outside.

August entertained our friends' baby by roaring at him like a lion:

The little figures right of center are me and Leif, and left of center are our friends:

Can you see how much Leif loved being there?


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer holiday at South Beara

We're in Devon now, spending ten days with James's parents, eating massive amounts of food, and chasing August around the terrace while he rides his new toddler-sized tractor. The weather has been lovely and we've been mixing small adventures with staying at home.

August and cousin Kevin (James's cousin, which makes him August's second cousin?):

Leif and his Great Auntie Tina:

This is what most of our days look like, though often Leif is on the ground chasing August, and August is trying to run over Leif:

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Camping on Ljusterö

We had our first camping adventure as a family of four last weekend. We took advantage of Sweden's allemansrätten - "the everyman's right" - to camp in the forest on an island near us. We took a car ferry over to the island, drove until we found a beautiful area, then walked around until we found a place to put our tent. It was, by all accounts, a success.

I have better pictures to post eventually, but here are a couple snapshots.

Our home between the woods and the water (the bright area in the back middle of the photo is the water):

On the granite slab just behind the tent:

Watching fish, throwing pinecones, and enjoying the view:

Our evening nature walk to the end of our little peninsula:

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Water table fun

I bought the boys a water and sand table yesterday. They love it. We've only used it with water because I can't figure out where to buy sand.

Let's start with the video, because it's great:

I knew August would like it, but still I was surprised when the first thing he did was take off his pants and climb in.

These magnetized Tegu blocks were a gift for August for his first birthday. He was largely uninterested in them until recently, and now he's been playing with them almost nonstop for a few days. It's so wonderful to see him absorbed with something.

This is an airplane he made, with no pattern, direction, or help. I say it looks a bit more like a helicopter, but still - not bad!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

August's first sail

Our neighbor, Henrik, took us out on Sunday for a quick sail. Agnetta, his wife, took care of Leif while the rest of us enjoyed a beautiful, calm morning on the water. I was worried August wouldn't like it - he hasn't enjoyed his previous boating experiences - but he really enjoyed himself. I was surprised that he was so comfortable. James had a primer in Swedish sailing terminology and signage, and I hoisted the jib. Now I'm working on ways to get us more invitations out onto the water...

He fell asleep sitting on my lap on the way out, so we laid him down below; he promptly woke up, of course.

Fishing for banana peels:

The way home:

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Beaches in paradise

I keep asking James, "what is this magical place we live in?" The weather is phenomenal, the scenery is beautiful, edible wild berries grow on every path, roses grow wild in the forests. Families play together on beaches and in parks all summer long. Our neighbors are always happy to see us. Of course we know the other side to this paradise - the immeasurably long winters, the relentless darkness, the closed-off Swedes. But for now, right now, we are happy.

This is one of three beaches within a few minutes' walk that we've been frequenting.

Both kiddos stuffing their faces: