Monday, September 9, 2013

9 months - Another visit to CHOP

You may remember that last month, we drove down to Philadelphia for Augie to be checked out by a neurologist at CHOP. Today we had a follow-up appointment and repeat EEG. We weren't very worried this time around, as Augie hasn't repeated his weird head movements since before our first visit, and he's continuing to develop and acquire skills apace. The whole visit felt - and turned out to be - quite perfunctory. We saw a different neurologist, who took the time to explain what she was looking for on the EEG and what types of behaviors we should be looking out for in Augie. The EEG was "beautiful" and Augie doesn't display the troublesome behaviors, so we were sent home without any further ado. Whoopee!

Not that the day was entirely easy, though. Our pediatrician told us that ideally, Augie would fall asleep during the EEG so the test would record his brainwave pattern as he drifted off. Yeah, right - like my kid's gonna fall asleep on the EEG table?!? Essentially, she told us to deprive him of sleep to increase the likelihood of him falling asleep during the test. So we didn't give him any naps in the morning, hoping he'd be so tired he'd fall asleep during the test. He was definitely tired, but he definitely didn't fall asleep. He did kick, wriggle, squirm, and scream though.

You've already seen the pictures of Augie during an EEG, so we didn't take more today. We took one immediately afterward though, to show off his new hairstyle:

The doctor's office is a 4-minute drive from our house; Augie fell asleep on the way home (he hadn't slept in seven and a half hours!), so Baba gently carried him upstairs:

We don't get a lot of snuggle time with Augie, because normally he's too busy trying to walk, climb, or bang something together to sit down and share his little warmth with us. James took advantage of his incapacitated state to get some extra cuddles in:

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